YieldMax™ PLTR
Option Income
Strategy ETF

The Fund does not invest directly in PLTR.

Investing in the fund involves a high degree of risk.
Single Issuer Risk. Issuer-specific attributes may cause an investment in the Fund to be more volatile than a traditional pooled investment which diversifies risk or the market generally. The value of the Fund, which focuses on an individual security PLTR, may be more volatile than a traditional pooled investment or the market as a whole and may perform differently from the value of a traditional pooled investment or the market as a whole.

The Fund’s strategy will cap its potential gains if PLTR shares increase in value. The Fund’s strategy is subject to all potential losses if PLTR shares decrease in value, which may not be offset by income received by the Fund. The Fund may not be suitable for all investors.

Distribution Rate*:

30-Day SEC Yield**:

The performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when sold or redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost and current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Performance current to the most recent month-end can be obtained by calling (866) 864-3968.

Distribution Details

For YieldMax™ ETFs Distribution Schedules, click here.

*The Distribution Rate is the annual rate an investor would receive if the most recently declared distribution,  which includes option income, remained the same going forward. The Distribution Rate is calculated by multiplying an ETF’s Distribution per Share by twelve (12), and dividing the resulting amount by the ETF’s most recent NAV. The Distribution Rate represents a single distribution from the ETF and does not represent its total return. The 30-Day SEC Yield represents net investment income,which excludes option income, earned by such ETF over the 30-Day period ended at the most recent month-end, expressed as an annual percentage rate based on such ETF’s share price at the end of the 30-Day period. Distributions are not guaranteed.

**The Distribution Rate and 30-Day SEC Yield is not indicative of future distributions, if any, on the ETFs. In particular, future distributions on any ETF may differ significantly from its Distribution Rate or 30-Day SEC Yield. You are not guaranteed a distribution under the ETFs. Distributions for the ETFs (if any) are variable and may vary significantly from month to month and may be zero. Accordingly, the Distribution Rate and 30-Day SEC Yield will change over time, and such change may be significant.

The distribution may include a combination of ordinary dividends, capital gain, and return of investor capital, which may decrease a fund’s NAV and trading price over time. As a result, an investor may suffer significant losses to their investment. These distribution rates caused by unusually favorable market conditions may not be sustainable. Such conditions may not continue to exist and there should be no expectation that this performance may be repeated in the future. Additional fund risks can be found below.

As of the date hereof, distributions for the following ETFs have included return of investor capital: TSLY, OARK, APLY, AMZY, NVDY, GOOY, JPMO, XOMO, PYPY, CONY, DISO, FBY, MSFO, NFLY, SQY, AMDY, MRNY, AIYY, MSTY, ULTY, YMAX, YMAG, YBIT, SNOY, CRSH and GDXY. For additional information, please visit

Fund Overview

The YieldMax™ PLTR Option Income Strategy ETF (PLTY) is an actively managed fund that seeks to generate monthly income by selling/writing call options on PLTR. PLTY pursues a strategy that aims to harvest compelling yields, while retaining capped participation in the price gains of PLTR.

Investment Objective

The Fund’s primary investment objective is to seek current income. The Fund’s secondary investment objective is to seek exposure to the share price of the common stock of Palantir Technologies Inc. (“PLTR”), subject to a limit on potential investment gains.

Fund Information

*The 30-Day SEC Yield represents net investment income earned by the Fund over the 30-day period ended on the date indicated by the Yield, expressed as an annual percentage rate based on the Fund’s share price at the end of the 30-day period. The unsubsidized 30-Day SEC Yield does not reflect any fee waivers/reimbursements/limits in effect.

Fund Data & Pricing

**Median 30-Day Spread is a calculation of Fund’s median bid-ask spread, expressed as a percentage rounded to the nearest hundredth, computed by: identifying the Fund’s national best bid and national best offer as of the end of each 10-second interval during each trading day of the last 30 calendar days; dividing the difference between each such bid and offer by the midpoint of the national best bid and national best offer; and identifying the median of those values.


The performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when sold or redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost and current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Performance current to the most recent month-end can be obtained by calling (866) 864-3968.

Short term performance, in particular, is not a good indication of the fund’s future performance, and an investment should not be made based solely on returns. Returns beyond 1 year are annualized. A fund’s NAV is the sum of all its assets less any liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding. The market price is the most recent price at which the fund was traded. The fund intends to pay out dividends and interest income, if any, monthly. There is no guarantee these distributions will be made.


Top 10 Holdings

Holdings subject to change.

Purchase Information


The YieldMax™ PLTR Option Income Strategy ETF (PLTY) is available through various channels including via phone (866) 864-3968, broker-dealers, investment advisers, and other financial services firms, including:

This Fund is not affiliated with these financial service firms.
Their listing should not be viewed as a recommendation or endorsement.

Risk Information

Before investing you should carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other information is in the prospectus. Please read the prospectuses carefully before you invest. 


Investments involve risk. Principal loss is possible. Shareholders of the fund are not entitled to dividends paid out by PLTR.

PLTR Risk. The Fund invests in options contracts that are based on the value of PLTR. This subjects the Fund to certain of the same risks as if it owned shares of PLTR, even though it does not. 

Counterparty Risk. The Fund is subject to counterparty risk by virtue of its investments in options contracts. Transactions in some types of derivatives, including options, are required to be centrally cleared (“cleared derivatives”). In a transaction involving cleared derivatives, the Fund’s counterparty is a clearing house rather than a bank or broker. Since the Fund is not a member of clearing houses and only members of a clearing house (“clearing members”) can participate directly in the clearing house, the Fund will hold cleared derivatives through accounts at clearing members.

Derivatives Risk. Derivatives are financial instruments that derive value from the underlying reference asset or assets, such as stocks, bonds, or funds (including ETFs), interest rates or indexes. The Fund’s investments in derivatives may pose risks in addition to, and greater than, those associated with directly investing in securities or other ordinary investments, including risk related to the market, imperfect correlation with underlying investments or the Fund’s other portfolio holdings, higher price volatility, lack of availability, counterparty risk, liquidity, valuation and legal restrictions.

Price Participation Risk. The Fund employs an investment strategy that includes the sale of call option contracts, which limits the degree to which the Fund will participate in increases in value experienced by PLTR over the Call Period.

Call Writing Strategy Risk. The path dependency (i.e., the continued use) of the Fund’s call writing strategy will impact the extent that the Fund participates in the positive price returns of PLTR and, in turn, the Fund’s returns, both during the term of the sold call options and over longer time periods.

High Portfolio Turnover Risk. The Fund may actively and frequently trade all or a significant portion of the Fund’s holdings. A high portfolio turnover rate increases transaction costs, which may increase the Fund’s expenses.

Liquidity Risk. Some securities held by the Fund, including options contracts, may be difficult to sell or be illiquid, particularly during times of market turmoil. This risk is greater for the Fund as it will hold options contracts on a single security, and not a broader range of options contracts.

Non-Diversification Risk. Because the Fund is “non-diversified,” it may invest a greater percentage of its assets in the securities of a single issuer or a smaller number of issuers than if it was a diversified fund.

Single Issuer Risk. Issuer-specific attributes may cause an investment in the Fund to be more volatile than a traditional pooled investment which diversifies risk or the market generally. The value of the Fund, which focuses on an individual security (PLTR), may be more volatile than a traditional pooled investment or the market as a whole and may perform differently from the value of a traditional pooled investment or the market as a whole.

Distribution Risk. As part of the Fund’s investment objective, the Fund seeks to provide current monthly income. There is no assurance that the Fund will make a distribution in any given month. If the Fund does make distributions, the amounts of such distributions will likely vary greatly from one distribution to the next.

New Fund Risk. The Fund is a recently organized management investment company with no operating history. As a result, prospective investors do not have a track record or history on which to base their investment decisions.

The funds are distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC. Foreside Fund Services, LLC is not affiliated with YieldMax. 

Launch & Structure Partner: Tidal Financial Group